
Continue to have inquisitive mind and curiosity,
to inherit the cultivated technology and the original intention of the fouders,we always want to be humble...
Inheritance is not to inherit directly,we think to keep the balance of the constancy and the change in response to changing times.
To be concious its balance always on making the shirt.
We feel the bliss if those who wear our shirt can feel the freshness and good old inheritance...

会社名 株式会社 クリミナル
Criminal Co.,Ltd
代表取締役 池田 早苗
Sanae Ikeda
会社住所 東京都渋谷区富ヶ谷1-30-22
メイプルウッド11ビル 9F
9F Maplewood 11 Bldg
1-30-22 Tomigaya Shibuya-ku Japan
TEL 03-5465-1738
FAX 03-3468-3258
設立年月 平成13年2月
February, 2001
資本金 1000万円
10,000,000 YEN

1945年 所義夫 オーダー職人として独立
Yoshio Tokoro became an independent as a tailor for order base
1965年 (有)トコロを設立
Founded Tokoro inc.
1966年 村田金兵衛の唯一の弟子として認められる


Admitted as the only disciple of Kinbee Murata

Kinbee Murata is the person who incorporate the draping in Japan.Published a number of books.
Explain the theory to make a three-dimensional pattern and had a great influence on making clothes.

1970年 オーダーから既製服転換


Transformed from order to ready-to-wear.

To maintain the quality and ease of wear of the order,began to receive requests for ready-to-wear.
Focus on manual labor, to make ready-made clothes which are different from the mass production.

1985年 (有)トコロ 所辰雄 社長就任
Tatsuo Tokoro as a president
1996年 オリジナル商品の作成


Creating original products

Wholesale to shops as factory brand

2001年3月 (有)クリミナル・プロデュース・オフィス設立


Founded Criminal produce office inc.

Eastablish a separate company to a full-fledged activities as planning company.

2005年12月 株式会社クリミナル設立


Founded Criminal Co.,Ltd

Make Tokoro inc. and Criminal produce office inc. in one feature

2007年1月 中国上海に生産管理事務所を設立


Established production management office in Shanghai

Resident an engineer for technical guidance and quality control of cooperative factories.

2010年6月 イタリア PITTI展示会にオリジナルブランド出展


Exhibit original brand to the Italian exhibition PITTI

Also exhibited in the current

2010年9月 自社工場 久利美成大連時装有限公司 設立


Founded Criminal Fashion Co.,Ltd

Establised our own factory in the pursuit of quality thnking

2014/07/31    閉店のお知らせ